Saturday, July 23, 2011

Norway not terroist , read this !! reprint

91 people killed and the immediate knee-jerk reaction was to call this a terrorist attack and the work of Islamist fanatics.

But it was not a terror attack to be blamed on Al Qaida but the bloody work of a depraved and demented Norwegian Freemason who hated Muslims.

According to media reports Anders Behring was born in 1979 , the position of General Manager and Home Oslo.
The alleged offender is a member of the John lodge St. Olaus TD Three pillars of the Norwegian Masonic Order. He has 3 degree status, where the peak is ten degrees. read it all

On his Facebook profile(already removed) appears to be 32-year-old Christian and politically conservative. As favorite books provide the man behind the profile including George Orwell’s “1984″ and Kafka’s “process”.

According to above translated page, the ranking of the members of the 'John lodge pillars' in Oslo are 'about 813 members' of this lodge.

The page shows 'about 813 members', there is 1 person in the position of 'Grand Master' of the lodge.The next rank below the 'Grand Master' of this lodge, is the 'Zealous St. John's medbrors', of which there are 34 out of the 813 members.

The next level below them in this lodge of 813 is the level Anders Behrings is at, the 'Hardworking St. John's apprentices', of which there are 38 in this Masonic lodge

So basically the Mason Anders Behring is in the top 9 percent of initiates in that lodge of 813, and there are only 4 percent of the members of that lodge that had a higher ranking than he did.

Note that the website reports the 'information is taken from "matrikkel of the Norwegian Masonic Order 2008" and is therefore not an updated membership' so he could have had an even higher level of initiation than that.

It’s come to this. The junior partner in the Norwegian government, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen, (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), plans to vote on a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against the Hamas in Gaza. Norway, Israel and the Jews blog informs the Tundra Tabloids of the following: has published all the comments that Anders Behring Breivik posted on this news service.
These can be read in its entirety. read it all run by Hans Rustad, a former journalist left. Hans Rustad is Jewish, extremely pro-Zionist and warns of Islamization, violence and other problems associated with Muslim immigration. On his blog meet people with similar opinions, then one of them Behring Anders Breivik.

Anders Behring Breivik comments are long and thoughtful and shows, among other things, Christian fundamentalism and sympathy with the violent Jewish movement EDL, English Defence League, which previously reported. He shows an extreme Zionism and Israel-love.

How did it look at Utöya days before the terrorist attack? See image below:
From According to Norwegian and Swedish media, he is also an active Zionist and anti-Muslim blogger.

Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast

In yet another example of how almost every major terror event is accompanied by a security drill focused around the same scenario, Oslo police were conducting a bombing exercise at a location near the Oslo Opera House just 48 hours before a terrorist blast hit a government building in the Norwegian capital.

Although it’s too early to judge the nature of this exercise, the fallback of a drill, which gives the state an excuse should any evidence of complicity in the real attack emerge, has been evident in previous major terror events, including both 7/7 and 9/11.

< iframe width="690" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And then there are the numbers…always the numbers

9/11 9+1+1=11
7/22 7+2+2=11

7/22/11 features 22/11

Initial reports: 7 dead in bombing, 9 dead in shooting

Bombing happened 3:26pm local time 3+2+6=11

560 members of the Labor Youth Movement on the Island 5+6=11

Headline reads “Shocked by twin attacks” echoing “attacks on twin towers” , 'Blast scene 'like 9/11':CNN

Now big question is:

Is it a false flag done by the same group of people behind 7/7 and 9/11?

Absolutely, the numerological fingerprints are all over it.

rated 3.13 by 24 people [?]


Monday, July 18, 2011

Read, learn about your wonderful god of technology

I didn't write this but it NEEDS to be shared !!

The truth has to be repeated,” wrote Pakistani scholar Eqbal Ahmad. “It doesn’t become stale just because it has been told once. So keep repeating it. Don’t bother about who has listened, who not listened… the media and the other institutions of power are so powerful that telling the truth once is not enough. You’ve got to keep repeating different facts, prove the same point.”
Repetition is precisely how Corporate America does it…the same messages pounded into our brains until we submit. That pounding is usually accomplished via technology and thus, it becomes extremely useful to deify the gizmos and gadgets utilized to keep the masses distracted and pacified.
That’s why we so often hear: Technology is neutral. It’s only as good or as bad as those using it.
It’s repeated so often that few of us even stop to question its validity. Therefore, even though I’ve written about this several times before, I will heed Eqbal Ahmad’s words and once again discuss some of the reasons why technology is definitely not neutral.
*Technology = Toxic Waste. How about three million tons of household electronics tossed by Americans in 2006? There are 300 million obsolete computers in the U.S. today and only 50% of a computer is recycled. The non-recyclable components of a single computer may contain almost 2 kilograms of lead. Seventy percent of the entire toxic waste stream of landfills is e-waste.
*Technology = Alienation. We have social media but we’re sacrificing social skills. “With the present means of long distance mass communication, sprawling isolation has proved an even more effective method of keeping a population under control, henceforth a one-way world,” wrote Lewis Mumford. To green anarchists, technology is “more than wires, silicon, plastic, and steel. It is a complex system involving division of labor, resource extraction, and exploitation for the benefit of those who implement its process. The interface with and result of technology is always an alienated, mediated, and distorted reality.”
*Technology is not available to everyonenot even close. In Australia, 60.4% of the population has access to the Internet. In Asia, that number is 19.4%. Pretty stark difference, huh? Get ready for this one: In North America, 74.2% of the population has access to the Internet. In Africa, that number is 6.8%. If you think it can’t get worse than that, try this on for size: In six African nations—Burundi, Chad, Central African Republic, Liberia, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone—only 3 to 5% of people can access electricity. In fact, 79% of the Third World (1.5 billion people) has no access to electricity.
*Technology results in environmental racism. While the developed world quenches its insatiable thirst for the newest and latest doohickey, much of the subsequent e-waste is exported to countries like India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Ghana. “The pollution and related health problems in countries where e-waste is dumped will increase massively as the amount of electronics used worldwide is growing exponentially and the number of countries used as dump sites will grow,” says Kim Schoppink, Toxics Campaigner at Greenpeace.
*Technology devours nature. Thanks to the automobile culture, for example, in the 20th century, an area equal to all the arable land in Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania was paved in the U.S. This means highways, off-ramps, parking lots, etc.—each replacing countless eco-systems. This is easily the most crucial issue of all because, unlike the others listed above, this one cannot be “fixed.” Rather, we need an entirely new perspective. We’re talking 180 degrees, comrades.
Case in point: In 2010, when they discovered nearly 6 million tons of lithium in Bolivia, the feeding frenzy began instantly. Even the green crowd was clamoring for the lithium to be exploited, promising “big changes” for Bolivia, South America’s poorest country.
Big changes, indeed. Haven’t we seen this movie before? How did the whole oil thing work out? How about coal? Coltan? Palm oil? Why would anyone think mining lithium in South America’s poorest country is gonna have a happy ending (except for short-term corporate profits)?
Wouldn’t it be a gigantic step in a dark green direction to stop viewing natural elements as “resources” that must be immediately extracted and sold? Imagine being part of the first human generation in centuries to work in harmony with the natural world.
(We could just dig this Lithium instead.)
Self-serving slogans of indoctrination like “technology is neutral” are not easily challenged, of course, and doing so may require a similar brand of replication. This reiteration has the added value of refreshing one’s memory, re: facts needed to back up your critiques.
Repeat after me: I will embrace the subversive pleasure of thinking for myself. I will embrace the subversive pleasure of thinking for myself.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Every Heart Makes a Difference ...reprinted from David Icke

Please join the peaceful revolution
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
I am always being asked the question: ‘What can we do?’ Well, this weekend I am launching something with fantastic potential that we can do together without even necessarily moving from your chair. It is easy, simple, has endless personal benefits for those who take part, and will literally change the world if enough people get involved and dedicate just 20 minutes a day. The more that we do this the better, but I am asking for at least 20 minutes a day for Awakening the World – Every Heart Makes A Difference.
We have the power, more than the power, to bring down the vibrational prison walls if we understand even the basics of how it all works. The Control System is not structured by accident to generate incoherent heart energy and low vibrational thought and emotion such as fear, stress, anger, frustration and depression. This is done to maintain humanity in a low-vibrational, incoherent state, that generates the energy they want, enslaves people in close-minded ignorance and … here’s the big one … projects a constant supply of imbalanced and chaotic low-vibrational electromagnetic energy into the Earth's atmosphere.
HAARP and connecting radiation technologies are also being used to further suppress and imbalance the resonance of that energy ‘sea’ and therefore manipulate the fish – humans – into those same low-vibrational states. This creates a feedback loop as people are influenced by the energy ‘sea’ into incoherent states and then feed these patterns back into the ‘sea’ to further empower its negative influence. We have to break that circuit and transform the individual and collective energy field from the incoherence that the Control System depends upon to the coherence and harmony that will set us individually and collectively free. We can manifest energetic harmony from the manipulated chaos. We will do this if enough people get involved with Awakening the World – Every Heart Makes A Difference.
We want millions, tens of millions and more.
People would be amazed if they knew the impact that humans are having on the Earth energy field minute by minute. Technology can now measure this and great spikes occur in the Earth’s energetic state when there is a global reaction to something such as 9/11. Obviously, the fear and emotion generated by the 9/11 attacks would have suited the goals of the conspirators, but we can have an incredible impact on opening the Earth’s energy field to the love, peace and harmony that will bring down the house of cards that depends on imbalance and incoherence for its very survival.
There is a new section of the website, Awakening the World – Every Heart Makes A Difference, which offers the opportunity at 9.30pm UK time every day starting tomorrow (Saturday) for a global connection of hearts and minds to send love, peace and harmony (coherent energy) into the collective field. Every day we will post a picture to aid that focus. It might be an image of the Earth, the ocean, Tripoli, or an individual that requires healing and harmony in the face of the onslaught of evil and chaos.
I am also encouraging people all over the world in every town, city, village and community to step forward as organisers of groups and gatherings of people willing to come together regularly to connect their energy fields and project love, peace and harmony into the atmosphere. The more that come together the better. We also need massive gatherings organised at known ‘sacred sites’ which are perceived as ‘sacred’ because they are located at major vortex points where the planetary impact is much greater. We now have a section of the forum specifically for people to communicate and organise these groups and gatherings which really only need a place and a time.
I also make an appeal to those that are increasingly going out on the streets to protest at what is happening. It is good that people are demanding that their voice be heard, but we have to be streetwise here. If the protests are angry, aggressive and hostile they are doing exactly what the manipulators want – producing still more of the energy on which they depend. Imagine the power of replacing stand up angry protests with sit-down silent focus where thousands join their hearts together and send out the energy of love and peace which has been measured to be five thousand times more powerful than anger and resentment. Instead of shouting slogans or abuse at the authorities and police, we just sit down in great numbers and silently focus on the heart to send out love, peace and harmony. The impact would be amazing.
I explain in this week's newsletter what the heart really is and how it is the centre of everything - consciousness, health, emotional balance and so much more. This is why the heart is the constant target of the Control System.
We all are and together that power is unstoppable.




Friday, July 1, 2011

Update on radiation from Japan

Update: Yet again Facebook censored our article, particularly in U.S. by deleting comments, wall posts and even forcing its user to enter security text code prior to posting the article link on their wall.

Thanks to the jet stream air currents that flow across the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. is receiving a steady flow of radiation from Fukushima Daichi. And while many scientists say that the levels of contamination in food pose no significant threat to health, scientists are unable to establish any actual safe limit for radiation in food. Detection of radioactive iodine 131, which degrades rapidly, in California milk samples shows that the fallout from Japan is reaching the U.S. quickly."

"Milk, fruits and vegetables show trace amounts of radioactive isotopes from the Fukushima Daichi power plants, and the media appears to be paying scant attention, if any attention at all. It is as if the problem only involves Japan, not the vast Pacific Ocean, into which highly radioactive water has poured by the dozens of tons, and not into air currents and rainwater that carry radiation to U.S. soil and to the rest of the world."

"Radiation tests conducted since the nuclear disaster in Japan have detected radioactive iodine and cesium in milk and vegetables produced in California. According to tests conducted by scientists at the UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering, milk from grass fed cows in Sonoma County was contaminated with cesium 137 and cesium 134. Milk sold in Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Vermont and Washington has also tested positive for radiation since the accident."

"Additionally, drinking water tested in some U.S. municipalities also shows radioactive contamination. Is the fallout from Fukushima Daichi falling on us? Yes, it is."

“Children are much more susceptible to the effects of radiation and stand a much greater chance of developing cancer than adults,” states Andrew Kanter, MD, president of PSR’s board. “So it is particularly dangerous when they consume radioactive food or water.” - Fox News

Radioactive Milk: Strontium Found in Hilo, Hawaii Milk

Last month we had also reported how a radioactive isotope of strontium had already been detected in American milk sample from Hilo, Hawaii. EPA found 1.4 picoCuries per liter of strontium-89 in a milk sample collected in Hilo on April 4, 2011

Although the EPA tests milk, the FDA regulates it, and the FDA’s Derived Intervention Level—the standard observed for food—is 4,400 pCi/L for strontium-90. I’m working to confirm whether FDA has a separate DIL for Sr-89.

The EPA’s Maximum Contamination Level for Sr-89 in drinking water is 20 pCi/L. (For more on the difference between EPA and FDA standards, see “Why Does FDA Tolerate More Radiation Than EPA?“)

The two man-made isotopes of strontium—Sr-89 and Sr-90—are among the most dangerous products of nuclear fission to human and animal health. Both are “bone-seekers,” chemically similar to calcium, that collect in bone and marrow, where they are known to cause cancer. They are particularly dangerous to the growing bones of fetuses and children.

The half-life of Sr-89 is 50.5 days, and Sr-89 is sometimes used as a cancer pain treatment under the commercial name Metastron, because it collects in and destroys the fast-growing cells of bone cancer. EPA considers Sr-90, meanwhile, “the most important radioactive isotope in the environment” because of its health impacts and a longer half-life of 29 years.