Thursday, June 23, 2011

World Wide Mind Control is Reality

This is going to be a theroy in as much as I have researched this story in every way possible and it only gets worse. When I research I look at every angle. I tear it apart and find the lies, once you find the lies the truth is left. I have so much information from various governments and shadow sources it becomes more of a library than a blog if I try to include everything. This is my summary as theroy. I hope you will read it with an open mind and leave it with a determination to Stop the powers that hide behind all of our governments!!

I don't know how many know of MK ultra, (yes , it is real) notice i said is not was , because many of the subjects are still out there, and oh, yeah Mk ultra has been re-born into something even worse.... You see for the time line for their agenda to work , things had to be stepped up. Do you read the newspaper, a few news magazines, maybe catch your favorite news team or show on the tube? All of this is infected with subtle forms of brain washing. It all opens your mind to suggestion. For what you may ask ? I'm just an everyday person, I go to work, I come home, if I'm lucky I get some free time to spend with family. Guess what ? You are exactly who they want. This isn't some fantasy, I'm not a conspiricy theroist, don't even know if I spell it right. Here's the thing, They want total control of every part of our lives. Sometimes you may hear a faint hum, sometimes you may hear a buzz or a high pitch hum, the faint low pitch hum lasts longer, it travels thrugh the ground, thru rock, even thru water, without distortion. The buzz or high pitch is short burst and directional, all are carrying direct to your brain receptors, mostly pain receptors for they are easier to manipulate. Ever , all of a sudden get a pain in your body thats so sharp you think , damn I gotta get to my doctor, and he can't explain it, they call them phantom pain. Sorry folks, most doctors know what it is and where it comes from. It's a tracer, used to make sure u r tagged.

Those news stories where a woman or man decides to murder his or her family and everyone who knows them says , " They were always such quiet people, and great neighbors. It's tragic , but they are test subjects. Most even say they don't remember or say it was like they were someone else.

Guess what You could be next ! I don't know how this can be stopped for each individual , but I do know that MK ultra test subjects proved that not everyone is susceptable, has something to do with being a little off, like add, bi-polar, or even mild strokes, and other dieases that change the brains wiring. I'm happy to have add, i'm happy one of my brothers is controlled bi-polar, and other has ms. I'm not happy about the dieases, but I am happy that it stops the control the powers that be try to force on the population of the earth. I wrote this in the hopes of reaching you, I needed you to know what happens everyday and nite everywhere. I purposly left out my sources and support . I need you to look this up for yourselves, please ! MK ultra , mind control , media control, see where it leads you , and be affraid !! We aren't in Kansas anymore !

We have to stop this!

We have to show we have knowledge of this!!

Rise up and spread the word!

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