Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cannabis: An Amazing Resource!

Reprinted from Political Fail

Prohibition has failed. Again. Unless your in law enforcement.

We all know the real reason weed is illegal. It's not because people who are stoned are dangerous or violent, or a threat to their community. As secretary of state Hillary Clinton recently stated, there is too much money in it. Without the millions of criminal marijuana users, there wouldn't be such a great need for the amount of security forces and government watch groups to take our hard earned tax dollars and turn it into guns and ammo. We are not stupid, but it seems as if we are being treated as if we are. We need to remember that we get to control how we live in this country, and on this planet as free human beings. It is us who decides what is and isn't acceptable. The people in charge might not be listening to us today, but one day very soon a new generation will. Government = the people. Get involved.

PFB's Stickers
Prohibition on alcohol only created an underground criminal network of regular people who wanted a drink. It created an atmosphere of crime and violence because the demand was so great, and when people want something, they get it one way or another. The same can be said for the prohibition on marijuana. The fact is almost everyone has smoked weed at least once before, or does not care if someone else uses cannabis. It's a joke to say that people who smoke marijuana are more likely to cause harm than someone who consumes alcohol. I know this from personal experience. Generally when I consume alcohol I'm more open to doing things that I would normally consider risky, or even harmful. However when I consume Marijuana I'm much more likely to think more about what I want to do, and I am in a much more peaceful state of mind. In my opinion if all the war lords of the world would just light up a doobie once in a while, there wouldn't be so much conflict and violence.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Child Abuse Needs To End

Im going a little off my norm tonight as this is very important !
Child abuse seems to be on the rise in america, what a sad , sad state of reality we live in. Too many children are being abused by the very people they look up to! How terrible that those beautiful hopefull eyes that love mommy and daddy unconditionally will never be the same, will never know that a mommy and daddy can love , can speak without yelling, can really make boo boo's better with just a kiss. Please tell me Why a parent who is god in their childs eyes can hurt them without caring? What kind of evil can possibly taken root in these fuckin assholes?  I have sadly never been blessed by children, but I have neices and nephews that I love. Why would you nothings hurt children, what pleasure do you derive from hurting someone who is born pure with no hate in them.  If you just need to hit and destroy , I've got an idea , if you don't have the guts to get help and prove you can change , why not just hurt yourself, remove yourself from this existance.
Here's a promise to all of you nothings out there who hurt and destroy children, if I find you, I will do everything in my power to stop you and save your children. I will call the police, I will call DSS, I will call Childrens Services , and I promise this...... If you think you can walk away without paying for what you have done, I will get you and I'm not alone!

We are many

We stand together

Fear us

We will find you

We will end this

Join me in my fight

Save the innocence in a childs eyes

Thursday, June 23, 2011

World Wide Mind Control is Reality

This is going to be a theroy in as much as I have researched this story in every way possible and it only gets worse. When I research I look at every angle. I tear it apart and find the lies, once you find the lies the truth is left. I have so much information from various governments and shadow sources it becomes more of a library than a blog if I try to include everything. This is my summary as theroy. I hope you will read it with an open mind and leave it with a determination to Stop the powers that hide behind all of our governments!!

I don't know how many know of MK ultra, (yes , it is real) notice i said is not was , because many of the subjects are still out there, and oh, yeah Mk ultra has been re-born into something even worse.... You see for the time line for their agenda to work , things had to be stepped up. Do you read the newspaper, a few news magazines, maybe catch your favorite news team or show on the tube? All of this is infected with subtle forms of brain washing. It all opens your mind to suggestion. For what you may ask ? I'm just an everyday person, I go to work, I come home, if I'm lucky I get some free time to spend with family. Guess what ? You are exactly who they want. This isn't some fantasy, I'm not a conspiricy theroist, don't even know if I spell it right. Here's the thing, They want total control of every part of our lives. Sometimes you may hear a faint hum, sometimes you may hear a buzz or a high pitch hum, the faint low pitch hum lasts longer, it travels thrugh the ground, thru rock, even thru water, without distortion. The buzz or high pitch is short burst and directional, all are carrying direct to your brain receptors, mostly pain receptors for they are easier to manipulate. Ever , all of a sudden get a pain in your body thats so sharp you think , damn I gotta get to my doctor, and he can't explain it, they call them phantom pain. Sorry folks, most doctors know what it is and where it comes from. It's a tracer, used to make sure u r tagged.

Those news stories where a woman or man decides to murder his or her family and everyone who knows them says , " They were always such quiet people, and great neighbors. It's tragic , but they are test subjects. Most even say they don't remember or say it was like they were someone else.

Guess what You could be next ! I don't know how this can be stopped for each individual , but I do know that MK ultra test subjects proved that not everyone is susceptable, has something to do with being a little off, like add, bi-polar, or even mild strokes, and other dieases that change the brains wiring. I'm happy to have add, i'm happy one of my brothers is controlled bi-polar, and other has ms. I'm not happy about the dieases, but I am happy that it stops the control the powers that be try to force on the population of the earth. I wrote this in the hopes of reaching you, I needed you to know what happens everyday and nite everywhere. I purposly left out my sources and support . I need you to look this up for yourselves, please ! MK ultra , mind control , media control, see where it leads you , and be affraid !! We aren't in Kansas anymore !

We have to stop this!

We have to show we have knowledge of this!!

Rise up and spread the word!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Treasury Agent walks away from Manslaughter without charges

ok, I have a friend who writes a great blog called ; Truth for News, this is more her kind of story, but I have to  try to do it justice, because it bothers me so damn much that stuff like this is happening and no-one raises a finger to do anything about it!! Here's the story " I want you to feel this in your soul, to really feel this as this man does..... the mans name is Michael Dalton he has three young children and he had a wonderful wife Aileen McKay-Dalton, He met her in his native scotlanf when he was 14. as he says" She was like sunlight, She was an amazing mother to our children and a great friend to me" . She was killed by  U.S. Treasury Agent, Joel Murphy 30 yrs old. he was in a company vechicle when he blew through a red light and collided  with Mr. Daltons wife, who was riding her prized baby blue vespa. This ass of a man told cops he was so busy looking for a bathroom , he didn't see her or the light. This could have just been a tragedy but as you all well know by our posts, it seems our govt. and the police never get treated  as normal citizens would ! Collusion comes to mind as the word of the day. Seems the Brooklyn police and the Brooklyn D. A. declined to press charges.  Where is the Justice for this Family??
Seems Agent Murphy was charged with blowing the light after 3 months, but he is even fighting that. Mr. Dalton did file a tort claim notice against the feds last month which gives the feds 6 months to try to reach a settlement before Mr. Daltons wrongful-death lawsuit proceeds.
I feel  Mr. Dalton and his family deserve justice and the way to proceed is for no less than prison for Manslaughter for Agent Murphy, and the children should be compensated for the loss of their mother. This time the crime was commited in the streets of Brooklyn, and the courts of Brooklyn. My Heart and Soul is in Brooklyn and I feel soon I will finally be there too. The people of Brooklyn deserve better, The world deserves BETTER!   This shit has to be stopped, our cops and govt. can't be allowed to continue to walk away from every crime they commit.

Question Authority!! This has to STOP! This will STOP !!



Show your outrage about this misuse of power!

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Marriage Equality and more

This is Great news, next on to the republicans,
(Three wavering Democratic lawmakers in the State Senate have agreed to support legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in New York, several people with knowledge of the negotiations said on Monday, marking a potential turning point for the long-debated measure.

The three senators — Joseph P. Addabbo Jr., Shirley L. Huntley of Queens and Carl Kruger of Brooklyn — all voted against the measure in 2009, when it failed by a wide margin. Their switch to the yes column leaves all but one Senate Democrat supporting same-sex marriage –and the fate of the legislation in the hands of the Republican majority in the chamber.

Republican senators voted unanimously against same-sex marriage two years ago, but several have indicated in recent weeks that they are undecided. Speaking with reporters on Monday, Dean G. Skelos, the Senate majority leader, said that if a same-sex marriage bill came to the floor, each Republican senator would be free to vote his or her conscience, but he added that he had not formally asked his members where they stood.

This is a big development. The Governor and Democrats are delivering their vote. It's up to the GOP now. Skelos and his caucus are going to be making a political calculation over the next couple days -- and it will have huge ramifications. It's clear where the trendline is heading. What's unclear is whether NY's GOP Senators want to get on the right side.

Blatantly homophobic Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. is the only Democrat who will vote no.)

What I don't understand is why this has to be such a Battle ? In my world people are people, I know the battles we all face everyday. Why do people and especially the government continue to put people into classes, and seperate all people? People are strongest as one unbreakable unit ! I personally think the differences in people make them unique, but the strength in people comes when they forget their differences and work together as one remarkble machine. Have you noticed that even the government gets things done when people band together as a united front. People all deserve to be happy , race, religion or sexual orientation, should never be a stumbling block to happiness, to health or to the life you want to live.

Become something Great, Become a Force for Change!!

Now, try using your spine

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.


Monday, June 13, 2011

Want a job? Live in America? Better read this !

These days, it seems, you may need a job to get a job. Excluding the unemployed from hiring is becoming increasingly common. That's the harsh Truth facing job seekers , who as of April were out of work for 53.6 weeks.

Job listings spotted on Monster, Careerbuilder and other websites flatly state that applicants should be currently employed. Some adds go further and say, " No unemployed will be considered." While no offical statistics exist , the National Employment Law Project (NELP) , a Washington-based non profit, found 60 such job postings in april across all industries.

Job experts say online listings are the most flagrant evidence of such bias. Even before the recession, experts say employers preferred to hire employed workers because they Perceive them as more valued and more highly skilled. Besides, hiring top performers away from another company could bring insights into a competitor's strategies. And weeding out resumes from the unemployed saves time for overwhelmed human resources departments.

Employers often assume jobless workers were laid off for performance problems, or that their skills and contacts may be out of date, says new Jersey-based executive coach Lisa Chenofsky Singer, who experienced such bias firsthand. A headhunter once "called me back to say her client wouldn't see anyone who was unemployed," she says. " I was a self-employed consultant then instead of holding a traditional full-time job."

Guess what?? The unemployed are not a protected class under U.S. law, so discrimination is not illegal. However, some experts say such blatantbias has disproportionate impact on the long-term unemployed who are protected- such as ... older workers, women, minorities, and people with disabilities. New Jersey recently became te first state to ban discriminatory language in online or print job postings.

But "just because you ban discriminatory the language, doesn't mean you ban the practices," says NELP lobbyist Judy Conti.

To all of you out there who are busting your asses looking for work, here's proof that most employers will not hire. This practice needs to be made criminal. If someone walks in and is perfect for a job, they should be given the chance to prove themselves, not just become another statistic in the unemployed records. The best way to cut welfare, to cut unemployment is to hire. Employers need to be held accountable for the vast numbers of unemployed.

One last fact no-one talks about, when the government numbers of unemployed are released each month, and the numbers go down and "look" better, it's mostly because when people lose unemployment benefits and they don't qualify for wel-fare, they fall between the cracks and new numbers appear to be better. No-one cares because the numbers look good and that's what government likes , " Good Numbers"

Maybe you should copy this and take it with you the next time you apply for a job, ask them about hiring practices at their business, You are valued, you are needed. Good Luck out there!!

Show Outrage!!

Stand up,

Stand for each other!!

Now is the time!!

Now, try using your spine

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cannabis , cancer treatment facts

According to National Cancer Institute website the Cannabis plant produces a resin containing psychoactive compounds called cannabinoids which are a group of terpenophenolic compounds found in Cannabis species (Cannabis sativa L. and Cannabis indica Lam.)., activate specific receptors found throughout the body to produce pharmacologic effects, particularly in the central nervous system and the immune system. Cannabinoids benefits in the treatment for people with cancer -related symptoms caused by the disease itself or its treatment.

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, originated in Central Asia but is grown worldwide today. In the United States, it is a controlled substance and is classified as a Schedule I agent (a drug with increased potential for abuse and no known medical use).

Cannabis use for medicinal purposes:

Cannabis use for medicinal purposes dates back at least 3,000 years. It was introduced into Western medicine in the 1840s by W.B. O’Shaughnessy, a surgeon who learned of its medicinal properties while working in India for the British East Indies Company. Its use was promoted for reported analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and anticonvulsant effects.

Cannabis use for medicinal purposes dates back at least 3,000 years. It was introduced into Western medicine in the 1840s by W.B. O’Shaughnessy, a surgeon who learned of its medicinal properties while working in India for the British East Indies Company. Its use was promoted for reported analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and anticonvulsant effects.

In 1937, the U.S. Treasury Department introduced the Marihuana Tax Act. This Act imposed a levy of one dollar an ounce for medicinal use of Cannabis and one hundred dollars an ounce for recreational use.
Physicians in the United States were the principal opponents of the Act. AMA believed that objective evidence that Cannabis was addictive was lacking and that passage of the Act would impede further research into its medicinal worth. In 1942, Cannabis was removed from the U.S. Pharmacopoeia because of persistent concerns about its potential to cause harm.

In 1951, Congress passed the Boggs Act, which for the first time, included Cannabis with narcotic drugs. In 1970, with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana was classified as a Schedule I drug. Drugs in this category are distinguished as having no accepted medicinal use. Other Schedule I substances include heroin, LSD, mescaline, methaqualone, and gamma-hydroxybutyrate.

Despite its designation as having no medicinal use, Cannabis was distributed to patients by the U.S. government on a case-by-case basis under the Compassionate Use Investigational New Drug program established in 1978. Distribution of Cannabis through this program was discontinued in 1992. In 2010, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs approved marijuana use for patients in states where its medicinal use is legal.


But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved (under big pharmaceuticals companies) the use of Cannabis as a treatment for any medical condition till this date.

Big Pharma’s big contributions to many legislators means they have many elected officials willing to see things the drug companies’ way on this, as on many other issues. Even legislators known to take a strong states’ right stance on other issues, such as offshore drilling, somehow find themselves standing up for federal oversight on this topic. For example, Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who holds the dubious distinction of the being the member of Congress who has accepted the largest amount from pharmaceutical firms, has taken a stance against state legalization of marijuana.

If you have a politician in your state who speaks out against medical marijuana, you may want to look into his/her ties to Big Pharma. As the American Independent observes, the pharmaceutical giants’ strategy as regards marijuana seems to be “demonize it, prosecute it, shut it down, then grab the market.” Let your friends and family know that many of those who fight against medical marijuana are not, as they may prefer to present themselves, taking a pro-family stance against drug addiction, but shills for multinational drug corporations who want to keep all drug profits in their coffers.

The idea that a drug can be denounced as evil in one context but hailed as a medical miracle if sold within the pharmaceutical system is nothing new.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Halliburton , a great place to work for

It was Cheney who directed Halliburton toward aggressive business dealings with Iran—in violation of U.S. law—in the mid-1990s, which continued through 2005 and is the reason Iran has the capability to enrich weapons-grade uranium.
It was Halliburton’s secret sale of centrifuges to Iran that helped get the uranium enrichment program off the ground, according to a three-year investigation that includes interviews conducted with more than a dozen current and former Halliburton employees.
If the U.S. ends up engaged in a war with Iran in the future, Cheney and Halliburton will bear the brunt of the blame.
But this shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone who has been following Halliburton’s business activities over the past decade. The company has a long, documented history of violating U.S. sanctions and conducting business with so-called rogue nations.

Halliburton is just great aren't they, I look at them as a perfect model of  U.S. business. A company that becomes so big the can go anywhere and do anything, all in the name of money, and maybe Power. They just make me proud to be an American. Vice President  Dick Cheney was the perfect choice for CEO , he's so far above the law , on Feb. 13, 2006, he shot his "friend" in the face and walked away clean! He's a gun professional , he's a veteran hunter, but he just "made a mistake" . Isn't it great what money and power can do?

Mr. Cheney is a man of many talents, ( for example: "I will name Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the NMCC [National Military Command Center], or the White House Situation Room." -- Michael Ruppert

Text of Michael Ruppert's Speech at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Wednesday, Sep. 1, 2004 at 9:34 AM.

The PDF file of the speech is attached, and is downloadable at
(if you don't have a PDF file reader, you can download a free reader from for Macintosh or Windows operating systems).

If you have power and money you can do anything and get away with it. Even though Halliburton said they appointed a new CEO, Mr. Cheney has to be a behind the scenes guy to this day. Way too many Government contracts and Government support for all their actions , not to have him still running things.
Halliburton even has their hands in Homeland Security, that fact certainly makes me feel warm and cuddly.  With Halliburton running the "Fusion Centers" I know that only the guilty will be put away in the new "Housing Projects" being built in the 10 sectors that devide the U.S.  on the new high security maps.  With all this work and the Great Mr. Cheney helping behind the scenes, we will soon have nothing to Worry about, Will We ?

Knowledge is Power

Now, try using your spine

Stand up

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.

Listen Children and You shall hear.......

Okay, just a few thoughts, aren't you about finished hating each other? You have this one chance, this one world and you fuck it up!!  Let's just see if you can grow up and understand , the ones in charge love that you hate, they give you reason to hate more because it serves a purpose. It keeps you from seeing all they take and the reasons behind it all. Churches teach hate gays. Governments teach hate countries. And you teach your children to hate each other based on color or heritage. Why? Because it's easier to hate than to question. I think peoples differences make them interesting, I've never hated a people , I have hated an action against people. I've hated what people can do to each other. But I've never blamed a race because of the actions of a few twisted people. Countries love discord, it's easier to control people who seperate themselves, when you don't work together you can't win the big wars, you may win a small victory but that never lasts. Think of this World as One!  Do you know if you talk to the people of a country or of a race or a sexual orentation  they all say the same thing.... they only want to be happy, their children to be safe , and to have a place to call home.  Doesn't sound all that differnt from what you want does it?  You all have so much you can do , if you stand together, One World, One People. ONE United World !! Nothing can Stop an idea whose time has come!!
I'll give you one secret, if you don't Stand Together Now, you will never have the chance again and you can watch as Everything you ever cared for is Taken Away! Every Freedom! Every thing you worked for!  Maybe even your family! Please Listen, Please be One Against Injustice, Hatred and Oppression, Everywhere!!  This is your last chance, One World , One Life!! One Idea whose time has come!!!

Now, try using your spine

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Where Freedom reigns?????

First let me state, I love my country, I love my state, it's the government I hate ! This blog will probably put me on a watch list at the very least, If  I don't write another blog , well I guess I hit a nerve and was picked up.  On with the blog.......  As you know I hate the abuse of power our law officers seem to be acting upon more and more.  Well if it isn't stopped now, if you don't start standing up and growing a pair, this is next!!  The abuse of power by law enforcement is nothing compared to what Homeland Security has planned!!   Here is a term you better learn, because if you read blogs you are already known in one of these places.  It's called a "Fusion Center" there are 72 of them now, spread across the U.S.  They gather information and use it how they see fit, no government oversight! That means you can be labeled a threat because you think or act differently than the people around you.  Here is another term " Fema interment camp"  of course it's run by Homeland Security. These are placed around the country in each of the 10 sectors our country is cut into by Fema.  Don't let anyone tell you different, they are prison camps!!  Guess what all your wonderful rights guaranteed by the constitution aren't worth the paper they're printed on! And why is that you may ask? LOOK in the Damn mirror !! Get off your ASSES !  We can still stop this ABUSE of power! Write your Senators, write Washington!! Tell them you demand answers. Push for reforms and Oversights in all Homeland Security Business, make your elected officials explain each and every bill they sign, make every law transparent. No more riders without explanation to the public. If you want any more reason To STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES , I've added a series of  ex- governor Jesse Ventura's  show which shows all the reasons YOU NEED TO GET OFF YOUR ASSES !!! DO it NOW !! There is no time for I'll do it Later,  soon there will just be no choice at all.

Knowledge is power

It’s time to end this abuse.

Now, try using your spine

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Fear us

Expect us.

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My first, let's start slowly

Ok, this infuriates me,  how many times in how many countries do I have to read about cops abusing power? In England don't dare to film a cop in a compromising position, they will gladly smash your cell, or cam, and if you're lucky beat on you for a while. In China, they just plain shoot you. Guess what ??
In these United States they also smash your cell or cam, and then arrest you, that's right arrest you for filming them, and there is no law against filming them on the job.

On Memorial Day at the Jefferson Memorial, a man known for his stand on free speech and free expression, a group of people were arrested for dancing, for freaking dancing! But it gets better, they had to be beat down, because all cops know dancers are violent . Some started filming, they were quickly thrown to the cement floor and cameras destroyed ,maybe because the cops were in the wrong and couldn't have evidence.

Truth for News has a post of 12 cops shooting a man over 100 times for reckless driving,  problem is he had already stopped his car and probably would have been an easy arrest with no problems had the cops actually done their jobs correctly.  Instead they decided to see how many bullets a human body can take before it becomes compliant to the cops demands.

A brave man filmed this devastating abuse of power, a cop spotted him and demanded his cell phone and smashed it on the ground, this man was brave and smart, he removed the memory card and hide it in his mouth,  before  the cop took it away.

For this whole story see Truth for News, it will make you sick.  In the future I will be adding youtube links and  news story links from around the world. 

It's time to end this abuse.

Now, try using your spine

We are Anonymous no more

We are Legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Expect us.